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Laser Therapy in Decatur

Laser therapy on shoulder
Inflammation in the muscles and tissues of your body can cause pain and discomfort. This may result from an injury, stress on the body, and more. We may alleviate the resulting symptoms, without addressing the root cause of the problem.

Light has been used as a natural, healing source of energy for thousands of years, to help get inflammation and swelling under control. Whether it’s for sore shoulders, elbows, knees or other musculoskeletal issues, laser therapy at Decatur Back & Neck Center is a gentle and effective way to quickly reduce swelling and promote faster healing.
New Patients

How Does It Work?

The laser is pressed against the skin over the area. We use the MR4 cold laser, so the patient doesn’t feel any heat. Another terrific benefit of the MR4 is its scanning ability. When we do a sweep over the affected area, it will alert us to the area where the inflammation is, allowing us to pinpoint the laser at that spot.

Laser therapy floods the tissues with photons, energizing damaged cells, and increasing circulation to the painful area. This triggers a healing response in your body, reducing inflammation and pain. Patients see quicker results and improved outcomes.
Laser therapy on knee

Can Laser Therapy Help Me?

Laser therapy is safe and effective on any joint condition, including arthritis. It’s included in our full body treatment, however, it’s most effective on the joints. Dr. Peck explains it to his patients using a magnet as an analogy. The laser acts as a magnet, increasing blood flow to the injured area to speed up the healing process, reducing inflammation, increasing mobility, and relieving pain associated with that joint.

Cold laser therapy doesn’t take a lot of time, but the results last long after you leave our office. The procedure is pain-free and effective, without any side-effects. It’s a win-win!

Results You Can See

Our patients have seen results with conditions such as

  • Arthritis
  • Spinal pain
  • Low back strain
  • Disc issues
  • Tendinitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sports injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • And more

Give Laser a Try!

Pain free and with no known side effects, laser therapy might make a difference for you. Contact us for an appointment and start feeling better soon!


Laser Therapy Decatur, Priceville AL | (256) 584-9554